Decluttering Our Souls


While decluttering our boys toy bins, I found all kinds stuff. I found broken toys, toys that had parts missing, and toys they thought were lost. I sort of have a love-hate relationship with the process of decluttering. On one hand, I know I will be able to get rid of a lot of unnecessary things. Yet, on the other hand, it’s going through and discovering what is necessary which can bring out feelings or emotions. As you all know, I am a simple woman, so this triggered my brain and I had to stop and jot few words down.

As we approach Passover and the feast of Unleavened Bread, I thought this went right along with what I was doing.

Our lives are a lot like this….

When we declutter spiritually, we may find where we are broken, missing peace, and even find parts of ourselves we thought were lost. It isn’t always fun because we have to be honest with ourselves about us. We have to look at our past which can trigger emotions, all sorts of emotions. We have to deal with the present which may leave us longing for our past. We even have to look to the future and that could make us want to stay right where we are.

Cleaning out leaven is more than physically removing it from our homes. This physical act can reveal so much about our spiritual state. It will cause you to question yourself honestly about leaven in your own life. Eating unleaven bread for seven days reminds us we are to strive to sin less each day. We are to cry out to the Father and let His Holy Spirit transform us daily. Our hearts have much leaven and it needs to be chunked. If we aren’t asking for God to search our hearts as we prepare for Passover, how can we be transformed by what Jesus did for us?

If we are only worried about the physical leaven in our homes, we are missing the point.

Our hearts have to be searched daily and not just during Unleavened Bread. It begins a new year (Biblically) during this month (falls in March on our calendars this year) and it’s like starting fresh again. So we clean out the physical leaven while pleading with our Father to show us any spiritual leaven. He will show you if you’re seeking. He wants our hearts clean and ready to start a new year in our cycle of feasts and appointed times. He wants to show us where we need more discipline, maybe more kindness, or maybe more mercy. He wants to continue reshaping us, but if we aren’t willing to look into the crevices of our heart, how can He?

 With the physical acts comes the spiritual revelation.

Think about how wonderful it feels when you have decluttered a room. It looks so spacious and smells clean. Think of our hearts and minds when we have looked deep and faced the ugliness or brokenness. Think of how free you feel and how your soul feels so light. I can remember back to times where I dealt with feelings of hurt, anger, or sadness in my life time. I can remember the feeling of weight being lifted off my shoulders once I dealt with those feelings and issues. That’s what the Father wants us for, His children, to be free from the bondage of sin. I love our Father’s feasts and appointed times. They are so beautiful and merciful because they remind us how much we need Him, how awesome He is, and how much He loves us.

Don’t be afraid to ask the Father to reveal what’s hidden deep down in your heart that needs to be brought to light. Don’t let shame or guilt hold you bondage. Don’t let your pride keep you from repenting and asking forgiveness. Let’s make sure we’re cleaning more than just our homes and let’s allow Him to clean our hearts and minds too.

Father, thank You for reminders to examine ourselves through Your feasts and appointed times. You are such a loving, merciful, and mighty God. We want to honor You in all that we do. We want the sin that is buried within us brought to light so we can deal with it. We want more than to physically remove the leaven from our house. We want to remove the leaven from our hearts. We don’t want sin to reign in us because that’s not what You have designed us for. You created us in Your image and You’re reshaping us back into Your image. Help us to overcome the temptations and sin that wants to overtake us. Reveal to us more of You as we walk out Your ways. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Therefore, let us observe the feast, not with old yeast or with the yeast of malice and evil but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.

I Corinthians 5:8

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