Imagine This…

Imagine being the only one who knows that a life changing event is about to take place. It will change history forever and change the life of mankind. Yet, you can’t reveal it to them. Even if you did, how many would believe? How many would truly believe that you were the long-awaited Messiah? So instead, miracles you performed would foreshadow that event. Slowly, eyes begin to see you for you are, the Messiah, the Christ, the Son of God.

Imagine living during the time where Jesus walked the earth. For years and years, the sacrifice of animals atoned for your sin. Now all of a sudden, there’s rumor of the Messiah and that he is walking among you. The One foretold about in Isaiah, the Lamb that would be led to the slaughter. The One who would take away the sins of the world. He’s going from town to town performing miracles, rebuking the religious leaders, and dropping hints that he is in fact, the Son of God. For three years this goes on and the momentum is building. Who is the man? Could he really be the Messiah prophesied about by Isaiah and the rest of the prophets?

Imagine what that would mean for sacrifices. No more to be done, ever. It will be finished. Imagine being told that there was no need to sacrifice for your sin any longer. That, this man’s blood he shed, would be the atonement for your sin. Imagine the uproar of the religious leaders. Imagine the controversy this one man was causing just by performing miracles, but now some say he is the Messiah.

How wild it must have been! You were truly putting faith in this fact. When we look at it from that angle, no wonder some were hesitant to believe this was true. It was a concept that was foreign to them. Sacrifices had been their way of life for so long and now one man would put an end to it with his death and blood. Their faith in this would literally be the forgiveness of their sin. Having faith that Jesus’ blood could cover their sins was salvation. Yeshua (his name in Hebrew) means salvation. How fitting since his blood would atone for their sin and they could be redeemed by it. Can you imagine living in this unsettling time?

Passover is such a special time to reflect and observe. They handpicked the lamb that would be slaughtered for their family on Passover. Now, think of how our Lamb was handpicked by our Father so we could be redeemed by Him. The blood on the doorposts and lintel was a foreshadowing of Jesus’ blood on the doorposts of our life. He literally passed the judgement of death over them because of the blood. To ponder that should humble us.

Retelling the Exodus story of their departure from Egypt should remind us that one day we won’t have burdens of this world. Their salvation from the oppressive Egyptians was a foreshadowing of what was to come years down the road. To retell that to our children is so special and important. Connecting the dots from that event to when Jesus shed his blood for us is powerful. It shows that through the ages, Yahweh always came through on the behalf of His people. He never left them; he didn’t forsake them. He rescued them.

The ultimate rescue was through our Messiah, whose blood covers our sin once and for all. There is no need for him to die over and over. His life and shed blood were spotless so it appeased the Father. It was pure enough to cover every sin ever committed. What a Savior! What a Redeemer! This Passover season don’t forget how precious that Lamb is and how powerful his blood is!

Father, thank You for the ability to go back and see this historic and amazing event unfold. Thank You for the instructions to remember. Help us, as we, prepare for Passover to never forget the sacrifice our Saviour made to atone for our sin once and for all. Help us as we teach our children and pass down the events of Your mighty deeds. May we never forsake Your instructions or forget the love You have for us as Your children. May we never forget the power of Jesus’ blood to atone for our sin. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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