Word-Filled Wednesday



Life brings all sorts of struggles to our days, from the really big struggles to the tiniest struggles. We all have tough seasons of life that we go through, but the struggles may look different since not everyone goes through the same struggle at the same time. More than likely we’ll all handle the struggles and trials differently too. I know I’ve had my share of struggles in my thirty-four years of living. Most of the time I whined my way through them. Only recently have I begin to look at the struggles differently in my life.

Our struggles are not just for us. That’s sounds so odd and unfair. Our struggles will actually help someone else if we allow them too. God doesn’t send struggles to always punish us, actually never to punish us. Consequences are different than struggling and those come because of choices. The struggles are to show us our weak areas and to help us grow stronger in them. If we work those weak muscles (spiritual) they will eventually become stronger. We just have to trust the Father and seek His face in those hard times. It’s not easy for anyone, but there is always hope and help in our Father.

The Father has a purpose and reason for every struggle we go through, we just have to listen to Him and trust it’s for good.

Those struggles are also for the future. We can’t really minister to someone if we’ve not been where they have been. We may not go through every single thing that someone else does, but more than likely we’ll go through something that someone else has in common. If we go through those struggles and come out stronger, then we can help others when they walk through it. We endure trials and struggles for the sake of others at times. A lot like Jesus did for us. He endured severe emotional, spiritual, and physical pain for us. He knew then what pain was and could relate to his disciples. What better way to be able to love your neighbor as yourself, than to be able to comfort them in something you have endured.

So are you willing to endure hardships for the sake of others? To know that the Father will use the pain for a purpose and to gain glory is comforting. If you’ll try to look at trials and struggles from that perspective it may help you. I know it has changed how I view my own struggles. May we be willing to suffer with others.

Father, thank You for the comfort You give us during trials and struggles. Thank You for those who come along side us as we hurt. May we see our struggles through Your eyes and see Your purpose, not our own. Help us to seek You when we’re suffering and draw close to You. May we be willing to comfort others as they are hurting and as they struggle through situations. May they see You and feel You through our words. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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